physiotherapy back pain facts to know

Are you looking for help with physical therapy in Millersville? The team at Hubbs Chiropractic is here to help.

Before Your Appointment in Millersville PA

It is a good idea to arrive at your physical therapy appointment properly dressed. It is best that you wear snug comfortable clothing that doesn't restrict your movement. It is also a good idea to bring your insurance card, a form of identification, the prescription that your physician gave you, and if needed, your co-pay.

Types of Physical Therapy We Offer

Interferential Electro-Therapy

Inferential Electro-Therapy is an excellent method of helping the body deal with spasms, sprains, and issues related to soft tissues. This therapy accomplishes this with a very low simulated frequency that is put on the soft tissue. The feeling of this therapy is very light and most patients feel very comfortable during the treatment.

In addition to this therapy simulating the body's natural healing method by helping it to produce natural pain killing endorphins, it also helps with the release of these strains, spasms and soft tissue issues.


Ultrasound is a therapy that is utilized in the office to handle injuries related to joints, muscle spasms, as well as most soft tissues. While it shares the same name, this ultrasound is not the same as the type of ultrasound utilized diagnostically to screen internally in the body. This ultrasound creates small sound waves that in effect vibrate and massage soft tissues and muscle. These sound waves do an excellent job in facilitating the body's healing process in addition to decreasing scar tissue formation.

Certain ultrasounds also create a heating effect to help relax the muscles or tightness in the body. This heat combined with the overall features of the ultrasound help to start the healing process at the most basic cellular level speeding up your road to recovery.

If you are interested in Physical Therapy in Millersville, call our Hubbs Chiropractic team today!


12:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

8:00am - 6:00pm

9:00am - 3:00pm


Hubbs Chiropractic

36 South Prince Street
Millersville, PA 17551

(717) 273-0311